What is a Lunar Authority in Human Design?

How not to rush decisions as a Reflector

Ana Saldamando
4 min readJun 20, 2022
Photo by Jasmin Chew on Unsplash

Human Design is a mystical system of self-discovery with practical applications. One such application is following what’s called your “inner authority” to make correct decisions for your life. When you do, things just work out better.

What’s wild is that in Human Design no one is designed to make decisions from their minds. Instead, there are seven different types of authorities. Only Reflectors can have a lunar authority. Reflectors are only 1% of the population, making this a very rare way to make decisions!

If you have a lunar authority, you need to wait an entire moon cycle before making big decisions. Out there, I know. But if you’re a Reflector, you’re probably already aware that you don’t fit the mold.

A lunar cycle is approximately 28 days.

Note: A lunar authority may be listed as “none” on some charts. This is because technically a lunar authority is not an inner authority but an outer one. This is because the lunar authority isn’t based in the body, such as a sacral authority, but is process-oriented.

With all their energy centers open, Reflectors are designed to be chameleon-like, reflecting their environment and the people around them. Everything about Reflectors is inconsistent: their identity, how much energy they have on any given day, and their direction in life.

Because of their inconsistent nature, Reflectors need to give themselves time to reach clarity on a decision. Ideally between 28–30 days. During this period, their views will change and fluctuate.

This is due to Reflectors’ unique connection with the moon. Their ever-changing nature reflects where the moon is in the sky and which gates in their chart the moon is activating over the course of a lunar cycle. As the moon transits through all 64 gates in a 28-day period, Reflectors can start to recognize patterns within their moods throughout the month and find “consistency.”

While that is a bit of a technical explanation, what’s important to know is that some days a Reflector may feel like a Manifestor and other days like a Manifesting-Generator (or another energy type) due to these gate activations. This allows Reflectors to sample different perspectives within themselves in regard to their decision, if they give themselves a month’s time to do so.

The following can also help Reflectors make wiser choices.

1. Talk out decisions

If you’re a Reflector, it’s helpful to talk out your decision with different people over the course of a month. Different people can access different parts of you, which will help you see your decision from different angles. Use people who you trust as sounding boards. This is not to ask for their advice or opinions. It is so you can hear yourself sound out your decision in order to reach clarity.

2. Be in the right spaces

Reflectors are largely influenced by their surroundings and are very sensitive to space. Ideally as a Reflector, you’ll verbally process your decision with people who feel good to you and in spaces that feel good, like your favorite coffee shop. It can help to move around to different spaces.

3. Don’t rush

When making a major decision, don’t let affected parties rush you! Some decisions may even take longer than 28 days. At a certain point, you’ll arrive at a sudden knowing whether something is correct for you or not. If the other party needs you to commit before 28 days, give yourself as much time as you can to make a decision that feels right within you. Or ask for more time.

4. Wait to be invited

Similar to Projectors, Reflectors may want to wait to be invited into new opportunities, collaborations, and relationships instead of initiating them. Once invited, this is when the clock starts ticking on their 28-day decision-making. If you’re a Reflector, you may have the impulse to say “yes” right away when receiving an invitation because you so badly want to be included in things.

For small or time-sensitive decisions

For day-to-day decisions, such as what to eat for dinner, please don’t wait 28 days. For smaller decisions, just follow what makes you feel good. Your lunar authority is meant for big decisions such as jobs, relationships, or moving.

Questions to ask yourself

With a lunar authority, it can be helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How are the people around me impacting me?
  2. Does my environment make me feel good or am I taking in energy that feels disruptive?
  3. Do I feel pressured or rushed to make this decision?
  4. Am I giving myself time to talk it out or am I operating on someone else’s timeline?
  5. Do I feel invited in and recognized by this person or opportunity? Would it feel good to be around them or spend my time there?

Just as Reflectors have the potential to be the wisest of us all, they can also make the wisest decisions. That is, if they wait 28–30 days.

Hi, I’m Ana! I do Human Design readings to help people make better love, career, and life decisions for themselves. Book a 1:1 reading with me.

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Ana Saldamando

Writings for the spiritually curious, skeptics, and believers. Mostly, Human Design. anasaldamando.com