What is a Generator and Manifesting Generator in Human Design?

An introduction to the Generator and Manifesting Generator types

Ana Saldamando
4 min readApr 12, 2021
Photo by Deniz Altindas on Unsplash

Instead of asking “what’s your sign?” certain circles are now asking “what’s your design?” More specifically, what’s your type?

There are 5 energy types in Human Design—Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector—determined by your birth date, time, and location (similar to calculating your sign in astrology).

Generators and Manifesting Generators together make up the majority of the population: around 70%. They have the life-force energy that makes the world run, and they’re here to do work they love. Traditionally, Generators and Manifesting Generators are lumped together as one type, generators, as both have the sacral center defined on their Human Design chart. But there’s enough difference between them to be considered separate types.

Generator: do what lights you up

Generators are our worker bees, creators, and builders. Even though they’re powerhouses, Generators need to be mindful not to take on too much — especially out of obligation to others or just because they can — or else life becomes a grind.

Wait to respond is the strategy for Generators in terms of when to engage their powerful energy. They’re not designed to initiate and must be patient and see what shows up in their world: opportunities, people, activities, etc. And then trust their reliable gut instinct as to whether what life is offering them is a yes or a no. Fortunately for Generators, they have a magnetic, “open” aura that attracts things to them.

It’s all about the gut response with Generators, which may feel like a lifting or dropping in the stomach, or another subtle bodily reflex towards something or away from it. It could be a visceral feeling of expansion or a contraction.

For example, if you’re a Generator swiping on a dating app and come across a profile that lights up your gut by all means like or write them. Or, let’s say your friend asks you to dinner at a vegan restaurant and your gut immediately drops in dread, that’s a no-go. Don’t let your mind override that no (i.e. It’ll be healthier, she wants to go there, etc.).

As a Generator, life is not meant to feel like an obligation or deplete you. If you’re feeling frustrated and unsatisfied, you’re probably living too much from your head and not doing the things you enjoy. Frustration can also be a sign that you’re trying to make things happen or you’re living for others.

Generators have a radiating, warm presence when they’re doing what brings them joy, which in turn can uplift all those around them. If you’re a Generator, be sure others aren’t taking advantage of your naturally helpful, bountiful energy. Boundaries on your energy are key and not selfish.

Remember, following your desires makes the world a better place.

Famous Generators: Oprah Winfrey, the Dalai Lama, Albert Einstein, Deepak Chopra, Madonna, Elvis Presley, Beyoncé

Manifesting Generator: permission to pivot

Manifesting Generators are also here to do what they love, though what they love can be many different things! They typically have quicker energy than Generators and make up around 32% of the population. Like Generators, their strategy is to wait to respond. They are designed to let their reliable gut instinct tell them whether or not to engage with what life brings their way.

Manifesting Generators like to be busy pursuing all their passions and interests. This can lead them to have multi-hyphenate or non-linear careers. While they can come across as having restless energy, this is just their nature. Sometimes Manifesting Generators need to dip their toe in the action to tell for sure whether an opportunity, person, activity, etc. is right for them. To other types, this can make them appear flaky or fickle. However, Manifesting Generators are designed to course correct and leave a situation, job, or relationship when it no longer lights their inner fire. If they don’t, life will feel frustrating.

Because Manifesting Generators have a bit of a Manifestor edge — they can bring their ideas to life fast — it can be helpful for them to also inform the people around them when they’re shifting directions. While they still need to wait for their gut response to give them the green light to pursue something or someone, Manifesting Generators can experience an urge to initiate or move into action. This tension can lead to impatience.

Because Manifesting Generators are so quick, they can sometimes skip steps. They master things faster than most, which is why it’s important for them to keep moving on to the next thing. If you’re a Manifesting Generator, don’t expect the other types to keep up with you! And don’t try to fit yourself into one box.

Your superpower is your multi-passionate nature, which should be embraced and not pinned down.

Famous Manifesting Generators: Angelina Jolie, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hillary Clinton



Ana Saldamando

Writings for the spiritually curious, skeptics, and believers. Mostly, Human Design. anasaldamando.com