What is a Reflector in Human Design?

An introduction to the Reflector type

Ana Saldamando
3 min readApr 26, 2021
Photo by Will Swann on Unsplash

Instead of asking “what’s your sign?” certain circles are now asking “what’s your design?” More specifically, what’s your type?

There are 5 types in Human Design — Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector — determined by your birth date, time, and location (similar to calculating your sign in astrology).

Here’s what you need to know about the rarest type, Reflectors, that only make up 1% of the population.

The Reflector: The Wise 1%

Like Projectors, Reflectors are a “non-energy” type and have an undefined sacral center on their Human Design chart. Meaning, they lack consistent energy to go, go, go like the generators of the world.

In fact, these rare birds have all their centers open, which means they take in the influence of those around them and their environment all day long. Traditionally, Reflectors were designed to be at the center of a community and reflect back its health.

While it can be overwhelming to be so sensitive, when Reflectors learn how to detach and observe, rather than absorb everything going on around them, they have the potential and gift to reflect back clear, objective wisdom. Reflectors can also make people feel incredibly seen.

Reflectors need to be in optimal environments to thrive because of their hypersensitivity to space. Often their best opportunities come when they’re in spaces that feel good to them. They’re also influenced by the people around them, which is why they should be careful of the company they keep and surround themselves with healthy individuals or people they want to emulate.

It’s helpful for Reflectors to have a meditation practice, solo time in nature, or simply alone time for inner reflection to counter the outer reflection this type is gifted at bringing to others. And to release all the energies they pick up.

Reflectors are meant to feel different. It’s correct for Reflectors to be chameleon-like and fluid in their identity. They might feel like a Manifesting Generator one day, and then a Projector the next. Their energy also ebbs and flows, so they may be on fire one week and then feel like doing nothing the next. This is totally normal for Reflectors.

In fact, nothing about Reflectors is designed to be consistent! If you’re a Reflector, check in with which interests and desires stick with you over time versus ones that are just momentary.

The strategy for Reflectors is to wait 28 days before making big decisions. This is pretty out there and “reflects” the lunar cycle (also, out there). However, because Reflectors can so easily take on the excitement and desires of others, they need this time to reach their own clarity. If not, they can suffer disappointments as well as disappoint others when they pull out of commitments. When following their strategy, life should feel surprising in a magical and delightful way.

If you happen to know a Reflector, be sure you’re inviting them in for their wise insights because they can often feel invisible and unacknowledged. Similar to Projectors in this regard, it’s important for Reflectors to be recognized and invited before they share their profound assessments. Also, don’t dump onto your Reflector loved one just because they’re so receptive and open.

Fortunately, Reflectors have a protective, “resistant” aura and when living their design can sample all the energies around them, and then release them without taking them on as their own.

And lastly, if you’re a Reflector, please give yourself permission to operate radically differently from 99% of the population.

Famous Reflectors: Amma (the Hugging Saint), Sandra Bullock, Teal Swan, Fyodor Dostoevsky

Hi, I’m Ana! I do Human Design readings to help people make better love, career, and life decisions for themselves. Book a 1:1 reading with me.

For a deeper dive into Reflectors:



Ana Saldamando

Writings for the spiritually curious, skeptics, and believers. Mostly, Human Design. anasaldamando.com