What It Means to Be A Reflector in Human Design

A deep dive into the Reflector type

Ana Saldamando
15 min readMay 24, 2024
Photo by Inga Gezalian on Unsplash

Reflectors are one of the 5 types in Human Design. The different types speak to how we use our energy. Reflectors are only 1% of the population and have a unique, stand-alone role.

Reflectors are society’s mirrors. They reflect people’s energy back to them, often showing them something they can’t see.

As a society, we would be wise to put Reflectors at the center of our communities because they assess where we’re going off track and often see what others miss. Reflectors are the ultimate truth-tellers.

Reflectors’ gift is their non-judgmental and wise perspective. Reflectors operate best when they are objective and accepting of others. It’s helpful for them to be aware of the openness of their design so that they are not over-identifying with the energies of the people and space they’re in. This is essential for their health and happiness.

In their highest expression, Reflectors are here to live by their own rules, embrace that they’re different, and live a joyful life of daily wonder.

Reflector basics

What is a Reflector in Human Design?

Reflectors are easy to spot when looking at a Human Design chart because all their centers are white. All other types in Human Design have at least two centers colored in.

Here’s an example of a Reflector’s chart. As you can see all nine centers (the shapes) are white.

image used with permission from https://humandesignblueprint.com/

When centers are white, they are “undefined.” You may also hear them referred to as “open.” There is a difference but that’s for another article.

What does it mean to have all nine centers undefined?

Reflectors have all their centers undefined. This means they are always experiencing what’s going on with the people and environment they’re around. In traditional Human Design language, this ability is called “sampling.” This refers to Reflectors’ ability to taste or take in frequencies that are not theirs without fully absorbing them.

When a Reflector samples the energy of a place or person, it amplifies, and then the Reflector can return what they experience clearly. Their radical openness allows for wisdom that others can receive. This is the big gift of being a Reflector: their objective wisdom.

What is the Reflector personality?

Here are words I associate with Reflectors:

  • mirrors
  • facilitators
  • sages
  • seers
  • observers & appraisers
  • non-conformists
  • free spirits

What is the Reflector energy (aka aura)?

Reflectors have what’s called a “sampling and resistant” aura. All Human Design types have a specific aura, which you can think of as someone’s energy.

Again, Reflectors are designed to take in the frequencies around them (the sampling part) but not too deeply (the resistant part). A common misunderstanding I see about Reflectors is that they’re highly sensitive when, in fact, their aura is designed to be like non-stick Teflon.

While Reflectors are designed to be “sensitive” they are also the most resilient of the four Human Design types due to their protective aura.

Another notable quality of their aura is its non-intrusive nature. This is why Reflectors are often described as being “gentle.” On a subconscious or energetic level, people generally feel good in the presence of a Reflector because their aura is unobtrusive and subtle. It can also feel uplifting to be around a Reflector.

There are notable Reflectors who are quite provocative, influential, or even triggering to others due to their unconventional reflections or lifestyle. So I shy away from the languaging around Reflectors being gentle souls, though there are certainly plenty who fit that bill.

Are Reflectors hyper-sensitive?

One of the challenges of being a Reflector is the sensitivity to their environment and the people they’re around. If they are unaware of their openness, which many Reflectors are before discovering Human Design, they can feel lost in these energies and it can affect their well-being.

The key for Reflectors is to remain detached from the energies they’re sampling. Like still water reflecting the clouds, Reflectors need to maintain their fluid identity, not mistake themselves for the clouds.

A healthy sense of detachment is key for Reflectors. If you’re a Reflector who feels overwhelmed or highly sensitive, consider what internal boundaries or tools you need to practice so you’re not identifying with others’ fears, anxieties, emotions, or stress. Again, you are not designed to absorb what people are going through but rather neutrally observe them. A good affirmation is “I observe, not absorb.”

Another metaphor that might help Reflectors learn how to sample is wine tasting. When some people wine taste they spit out the wine and then move on to taste the next cup, repeating the process. Similarly, for Reflectors, you don’t need to swallow what you’re tasting.

It’s also on Reflectors to leave places and people that don’t feel good for them. This is an important external boundary. The wrong places can deplete their energy due to their sensitivity to space. Staying in an unhealthy environment or toxic relationship for too long can adversely affect Reflectors’ health. Like a canary in a coal mine, they can pick up on what’s toxic before others do.

Are Reflectors rare?

Reflectors make up 1% of the population. They are cosmically attuned, particularly to lunar influences, and can lead mystical lives. This and their rarity contribute to Reflectors ubiquitously being called “unicorns” online. However, 1% of the global population is still a lot of people (70 million)! I don’t use this word to describe Reflectors; it feels reductively whimsical. I think “alien” might resonate more with Reflectors. Reflectors are not here to operate like 99% of the population or conform to the world around them.

Do Reflectors have energy?

In traditional Human Design, Reflectors are classified as a “non-energy” type along with Projectors. Reflectors’ energy is designed to ebb and flow, not go-go-go.

Reflectors have inconsistent energy. They operate best when they honor the ebbs and flows of their energy and take time away from others. Spending time in nature is restorative for Reflectors.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Reflectors’ is that they are designed to feel like all the other types during the 28-day lunar cycle. Some days a Reflector can feel like a Manifestor and have a powerful creative surge during which nothing and no one can get in their way. On another day, they can experience the steadfast work ethic of a Generator. On a different day or week, they may want to read or laze in bed without pressure to be productive.

Allowing themselves to go with the flow of their energy, and taking rest when it’s not there, is the optimal way for Reflectors to operate. A big lesson for non-energy types (Reflectors & Projectors) is releasing the pressure to keep up with others to avoid burnout.

Do Reflectors have an identity?

Reflectors are sometimes described as chameleons due to the openness of their G center (circled below). They are not here to have a fixed identity but rather an ever-changing one.

Instead of asking themselves “Who am I?” Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, suggests Reflectors ask themselves “Who am I today?”

The G center is also called the identity center (circled in pink). https://humandesignblueprint.com/

The undefined G center (aka identity center) not only gives Reflectors their fluid identity but also makes them sensitive to their environment. This allows them to be acute accessors of the health of groups and spaces.

Reflectors can use their sensitivity to space to their advantage. For example, if a Reflector wants to become a writer and that desire has felt consistent within them for some time, they can pursue this calling by immersing themselves in literary environments such as attending readings, a writers’ workshop, or dating a writer. Because Reflectors mirror and amplify the energies around them, they might find in spending time with other writers they become the most writer-ly of writers!

However, it’s also important for Reflectors to remember that they’re not meant to be or do one thing. It’s correct for them to try on many different hats in their lifetime. This doesn’t mean that Reflectors don’t have a sense of self or can’t pursue an occupation. It’s more of a reminder to Reflectors to release the pressure to be consistent in how they express themselves.

Why are Reflectors considered lunar beings?

Reflectors are called lunar beings or types. This is out there, but so are Reflectors living their design! Reflectors have a unique connection to the moon, it both influences and drives them. The other four types in Human Design are considered solar beings, influenced by the sun. This may contribute to Reflectors feeling alien from the rest of the population.

Photo by Alexis Antonio on Unsplash

The moon is a celestial body that reflects the sun’s light. Similarly, Reflectors reflect what the other four types are projecting out. Their glow is more subtle.

To go down the rabbit hole for a moment: Reflectors are affected by the moon’s transits through the 64 gates during a lunar cycle. This is why they can feel like one type one day and another type the next. This cycle through all the gates repeats itself every 28 days. A Reflector can familiarize themselves with this pattern if they’re seeking consistency. Again, the moon spends time in each gate for half a day. A Reflector can track which hanging gate these moon transits activate. However, this advanced practice is not necessary for a Reflector to find their own flow and sense of self.

What is the Reflector’s deepest fear?

Many Reflectors carry a fear of invisibility or not being included. This can result in them trying to push their way into the center of attention or seek recognition. This can lead to rejection or resistance from others. In turn, Reflectors feel disappointed and dejected.

Like Projectors, Reflectors gain recognition from those who see them and invite them in to share their gifts or wise insights. They don’t gain recognition by initiating or trying to make things happen. The next section goes deeper into the best way for Reflectors to use their energy so that they can move back into the center as a valued member of a community.

The Reflector strategy and authority

What is the Reflector strategy?

Each type in Human Design has a strategy. Your strategy shows you how best to use your energy to maximize your potential. It’s a hack to align with your best life because it helps you enter the correct commitments and relationships. The Reflector strategy is “to wait the 28-day lunar cycle.”

This means Reflectors need to go through an entire lunar cycle before making big decisions. Over 28–30 days, a Reflector will experience changing perceptions and progress toward clarity on a decision. This also gives them time to disentangle from other people’s energy, including others’ excitement.

Big decisions shouldn’t be made before 28 days. Some decisions may take even longer than that. It’s all about waiting for a deep, clear knowing to arrive.

Is the Reflector strategy and authority the same thing?

The Reflector strategy and authority are often presented as the same: wait 28 days. All the other types have a different strategy from their authority. Inspired by the new wave of Human Design teachings and my teacher, I’ve offered an alternate strategy for Reflectors:

Put yourself in spaces that feel good and wait to be initiated.

The best strategy for Reflectors is to wait to be initiated, and the best opportunities come to them when they’re in the right environment.

Reflectors aren’t here to initiate themselves into action. Rather, when they’re in spaces that feel good (aka healthy), the right people will invite their participation in a project, job, or relationship; spark a new path for them; or invite in their perspective. Space is key for a Reflector’s alignment.

This might mean moving around to different spaces throughout the day or week. Reflectors may be pleasantly surprised by what flows to them when they’re in spaces that feel good.

How do Reflectors best make decisions?

When an offer or new opportunity emerges that’s when the 28–30 day decision-making process starts. In Human Design, your decision-making process is called your “authority.” The Reflector has a lunar authority, which means waiting out the lunar cycle (roughly 28 days) before making big decisions.

Note: If you’re a Reflector and have ever looked up your Human Design on a website, it may say “no inner authority” or “none” next to authority. This is because Reflectors’ authority is technically an outer not inner authority.

When a Reflector is presented with a life decision such as entering a relationship, a job, a collaboration, or moving, they’ll want to take around a month to make that decision.

During that time, it’s helpful for the Reflector to:

  • talk out their decision with different people who feel healthy
  • hear the truth in their voice rather than ask for others’ advice
  • verbally process the decision in different places that feel good
  • make sure they feel recognized and valued by the parties involved
  • not let other people rush them (ask for more time)
  • not say yes immediately just because they’re desperate to be included
  • wait for a sudden deep knowing that the decision is right

For daily decisions, such as what to eat for dinner, a Reflector can follow what feels good or what feels like them that day. The lunar authority is meant for big life decisions.

What is the Reflector’s signature and not-self?

Every type has what’s called a signature and a not-self theme.

  • Surprise is Reflectors’ signature.
  • Disappointment is Reflectors’ not-self theme.

The signature is the reward for following your design (including your strategy and authority). It’s a sign that you’re on track, so keep doing what you’re doing!

The not-self is the telltale sign that you’re not following your design (including your strategy and authority). It’s a sign that something needs to shift.

Surprise often comes to Reflectors when they’re participating in the world and sampling its energies, without identifying with them. Delight and wonder are other ways of describing surprise. Reflectors in alignment will experience life as magical and live in joyful anticipation of the unknown (or each new day).

Disappointment often comes when Reflectors aren’t in the center of a community or group and feel left out. They may feel disappointed in how homogenized (the same) the world is. Lack of recognition can be a big source of disappointment for Reflectors. Disappointment can also be a sign that a Reflector is in the wrong space or with the wrong people.

When disappointment is lasting (versus momentary), a Reflector can use the following questions to make the shifts they need back into alignment:

  1. Am I honoring the ebbs and flows of my energy or trying to keep up with the pace of the world?
  2. Am I pushing for recognition instead of waiting for the right people to see me and invite me to share my gifts?
  3. Am I rushing into decisions?
  4. Is this pain mine or someone else’s?
  5. Does where I live or work feel good to me?
  6. Am I trying to be one thing instead of embracing my fluidity?
  7. Am I spending enough time alone or in nature?
  8. Am I playing by society’s rules or my own?

Reflectors and work

What is the best career for Reflectors?

At the highest level of understanding, Reflectors carry the gift of awakening people to their authenticity and uniqueness, and out of their social conditioning.

On a practical level, what jobs do Reflectors thrive in? Any profession where they are free to move their energy around a space and offer assessments of what’s working and not. Ideally, they’d be at the center of a team or group, such as a facilitator or meditator.

The best work environment for Reflectors allows them to come and go, so they are not in the same space and with the same people every day. Because the Reflector energy ebbs and flows, enlisting support or collaboration with others is helpful.

Reflectors can be gifted artists and actors because they can express themselves in a multitude of ways. With their cosmic connection, Reflectors may also find themselves in the spiritual arts.

Some other examples of unconventional professions for which Reflectors are well-suited: CEO whisperers, whistleblowers, or cult leaders.

Ultimately, Reflectors are here to be highly unique so their career path may be outside the box and defy labels.

How to magnetize opportunities as a Reflector

When Reflectors feel stuck, it can be a sign that they’re not in the right environment. Instead of trying to initiate action or create opportunities for themselves, Reflectors should place themselves in a different environment. They can also ask people they know to introduce them to new people or places. When a Reflector lands in the right community, they’ll know because people will solicit their reflections and offer them opportunities.

Reflectors and love

How should Reflectors date?

The best opportunities come to Reflectors when they’re in the right place. So if you’re a Reflector and don’t like the space or company you’re in, it’s wise to change locations. That’s when you’ll encounter the right people and experiences for you.

Traditionally, Reflectors are designed to be in the center of their community to reflect its well-being. As a result, Reflectors may feel they need to fight to be the center of attention or to be noticed. But more energetically correct for Reflectors to wait to be approached.

Once a connection is made, Reflectors should go at their own pace and not rush into a relationship. It’s good to talk out their dating decisions with friends who have positive, healthy attitudes about dating. On dates, Reflectors can choose the meeting place; if they’re someplace that feels good to them, there’s more potential for magic.

It’s vital for Reflectors to feel deeply recognized by the person they’re dating. They can experience a lot of disappointment in dating if they don’t feel seen or asked questions about themselves. Sometimes people fall in love with their own image around Reflectors, which fuels the Reflector’s fear of invisibility. When a Reflector feels disappointment, that’s a signpost that the connection is off.

Lastly, Reflectors should take at least a month before committing.

Online dating for Reflectors: Reflectors need to move their energy around and sample different spaces and people, and being on a few dating apps can offer that. However, since Reflectors take in a lot of the energy, it could also feel too much to be on apps.

Note: If you’re a Reflector and a dating app feels good to you, wait for your match to spark the conversation and initiate the first date.

Reflectors in relationship

Reflectors enter relationships correctly when they’re invited or otherwise initiated by the other person into the relationship.

Reflectors can become deeply conditioned by their partners due to their openness. They can become dependent on their partner to make decisions, instead of patiently waiting through their lunar cycle. They can be conditioned by their partner’s way of doing things instead of maintaining their own unique way of operating. This leads to Reflectors becoming overly dependent on or clingy to their partner.

When in a relationship, Reflectors need time alone so they can release the energies they’ve picked up throughout the day, including their partner’s. It’s recommended that Reflectors sleep alone, especially if they’re partnered with a Generator or Manifesting Generator.

Often, the health of a Reflector depends on the health of the people around them, so they should choose their partner and inner circle wisely. Because Reflectors are mirroring back what’s happening with people, they need to be around people who aren’t consistently stuck in their not-self themes of anger, bitterness, frustration, or disappointment.

How do you love a Reflector?

Being in a relationship with a Reflector can be an enlivening experience. Reflectors can make you feel seen and feel good to be around. It’s important to return this energy by offering your Reflector recognition, such as words of affirmation, and by inviting in and respecting their insights. Like no other type, your Reflector partner can show you the truth about yourself.

If you’re in a relationship with a Reflector, take care of your energy because they will mirror and magnify it. This means healing what you need to heal. Taking care of your well-being takes care of your Reflector’s well-being. If you’re not a Reflector type, your stable presence can offer your partner a feeling of consistency.

Here are other ways to support your Reflector:

  • don’t rush their decision-making process
  • act as a neutral sounding board for them to talk out decisions
  • encourage them to take rest and restore their energy alone
  • offer help
  • create opportunities for them to share their gifts
  • give them freedom to move around among people & places

When you honor your Reflector’s unique way of doing things, it will help alleviate their disappointment and bring more magic and freshness into your lives together.

Reflectors’ past and future

In the past, our ancestors lived more in flow with nature, which is how cosmically attuned Reflectors are designed to live. Reflectors are about harmony and community, but society has long departed from our communal origins.

It’s time for Reflectors to find their place back at the heart of society. This requires the other types to listen to their wise assessments.

In these times of global change and shifting hierarchies, non-imposing Reflectors have an important role as forces of domination and aggression (hopefully) fall. Their natural embrace of people’s differences teaches us “that most often what we judge as good or bad in the world is just a revelation of diversity.” [Ra Uru Hu, p. 139]

Reflectors are humanity’s guardians. They act as signposts reflecting humanity’s injustices and shepherding us to a new age of global justice, peace, and equity.

I hope this article brought you a greater understanding of yourself as a Reflector or your Reflector loved one so that we can all experience more authenticity, wonder, and aliveness in our lives.

Hi, I’m Ana! I do Human Design readings to help people make better love, career, and life decisions for themselves. Book a 1:1 reading with me.



Ana Saldamando

Writings for the spiritually curious, skeptics, and believers. Mostly, Human Design. anasaldamando.com