What It Means to Be a Manifestor in Human Design
A deep dive into the Manifestor type
When many people first discover Human Design, they want to be or think they are Manifestors. This is because Manifestors are the only type that is meant to go after what they want, instead of having to wait for an invitation or a gut response first. Furthermore, society has conditioned us all to act like Manifestors. Just do it. But only 9% of the population are Manifestors.
Manifestors are here to act on their urges to make things happen in a powerful way. They have the ability to bring their ideas to life very fast. This can garner either admiration or envy from others. However, if you’re a Manifestor, you may feel a bit like a lone wolf and misunderstood. But all leaders need to be a little apart from the crowd, and Manifestors are natural leaders. Whether they are aware of it or not, Manifestors make a significant impact on the people around them and the world.
Manifestors are society’s catalysts and activators. They accomplish this either through initiating action or their initiatory energy. In other words, they are initiators.
The reason there are so few Manifestors (they are the second rarest type after Reflectors) is that their impact is so powerful and ripples out. Manifestors have big energy.
Manifestor basics
What is a Manifestor?
Technically speaking, all Manifestors have an undefined or open sacral center and a defined throat center. The defined throat center must be connected directly or indirectly to a motor center. The motor centers—excluding the sacral center—are the solar plexus (emotional), the ego (heart), and the root center.
Here are two examples of Manifestor charts to illustrate the connection between the defined throat and a motor center via a channel.
The chart below shows a direct connection from the ego center (a motor center) to the defined throat center through channel 21–45:
The second chart shows an indirect connection from the root center (a motor center) through the spleen center to the throat center through two channels, the 32–54 and then the 57–20:
Note: The second square up from the bottom is white on both charts. This is the undefined/open sacral center.
The connection between a motor center and the throat allows Manifestors to quickly “manifest.” Briefly, I’d like to demystify the word manifest. It simply means to actively accomplish your goals.
What is the Manifestor personality?
Here are words I associate with Manifestors:
- innovators
- pioneers
- trailblazers
- visionaries
- fearless leaders
The Manifestor type has a fire starter energy. They don’t need to wait for something outside of themselves to spark them into action. They contain their own ignition.
When a Manifestor experiences an urge to act, it’s correct for them to:
- to initiate or start something
- to make the first move
- to make things/sh*t happen
- to “get after it”
- to lead
However, Manifestors are not meant to take action all the time. They don’t have the motor energy of the sacral center to go, go, go. Their energy works in surges. Manifestors need a lot of space, freedom, and rest to operate correctly. Their urges, ideas, and inspirations are meant to come out of the blue. If they’re resting, these impulses can come more easily to them and they’ll also have the energy to pursue them.
I also want to acknowledge that if you’re a Manifestor, it’s scary to make the first move or be the first at something because it can set you up for rejection or confrontation. Courage is required to live your design as a Manifestor.
What is the Manifestor energy (aka aura)?
To help them accomplish their goals or vision, Manifestors have what’s called a closed aura.
All Human Design types have a specific aura. Having a closed energy means that other auras can’t penetrate or interact with the Manifestor aura; they bounce off. This is a good thing for Manifestors because in order to do their thing, which is usually bold or innovative, they aren’t meant to take input from others. Their aura is a form of self-protection.
One of the downsides of this is that it makes it less likely that others will approach Manifestors, which is why Manifestors are encouraged to make the first move, whether professionally, platonically, or romantically. Others might experience the Manifestor energy as impenetrable, so they may be hesitant or even resistant at a subconscious level to approach a Manifestor.
This energy can also make Manifestors polarizing figures. Public figures who are Manifestors often have a devout following — and devout haters. As I like to tell Manifestors, you may not be for everyone but those who you are for you will follow you to the ends of the earth. You can think of your aura as functioning to repel the people who are not meant for you.
A more positive spin on the Manifestor energy is that it’s “selective.” Manifestors can also be highly selective about who they let into their inner sanctum. I find that on the inside Manifestors are quite sensitive.
What is the Manifestor strategy “to inform”?
If you’re a Manifestor, you probably value your freedom above all else. You just want to be left alone in peace to do your thing and not meet so much interference from others. The best way to mitigate resistance or interference from others (which, again, may be happening on a subconscious level) is to follow your strategy.
Every type in Human Design has a specific strategy and the Manifestor strategy is “to inform.”
This means telling those who will be directly impacted by your actions what you’re about to do. This is not asking them for permission. I repeat! This is not asking them for permission. And, Manifestors, you don’t have to inform everyone. Informing is just giving a head’s up to the people who will be impacted by a choice you’re making.
It means not walking out of the room in the middle of a conversation without saying that you have to go to the bathroom. It means not walking out of a job but instead giving your boss two weeks’ notice. (Note: an exception to this is abusive situations)
The Manifestor strategy “to inform” means to give notice, a heads-up, or an FYI before charging into action.
Informing might not come naturally to Manifestors. As children, most Manifestors probably couldn’t just do what they wanted without consequences from a caregiver, so many learned at a young age to do things in secret or avoid telling people what they’re up to for fear of being stopped or punished. However, as adults, Manifestors will experience more resistance from others if they skip their strategy.
For example, let’s say you’re at a party hosted by a friend and suddenly want to leave. As a Manifestor, follow that urge. But instead of doing an “Irish goodbye” and slipping out the door, first, tell your friend you’re going to leave. Sure, this might hurt her feelings (or not) but it’ll certainly hurt her feelings if you leave unannounced. She might not want to invite you to a party in the future.
Manifestors who don’t inform can be misconstrued as rude or a**holes. As a Manifestor, you might not think it a big deal to tell someone what you’re doing or a decision you’ve made but, remember, your energy impacts others more than you think. Ghosting is another example of not informing.
What is the Manifestor not-self and signature?
Although it’s annoying for Manifestors to inform, there is a reward in doing so. It will bring them peace and move them away from anger.
Every type has what’s called a not-self theme and a signature.
- Anger is Manifestors’ not-self theme.
- Peace is Manifestors’ signature.
As humans, we all experience anger. But when a Manifestor experiences anger it’s not just an emotion; it’s a telltale sign that they’re living off-track from their design.
Anger can arise when a Manifestor is:
- not informing
- not following their authority (the next section covers what authority is)
- waiting for opportunities to come to them instead of initiating
- when they feel others are trying to control them (remember, the strategy to inform relaxes resistance from others)
- shrinking their power or message to make others’ more comfortable
People-pleasing or being overly accommodating is an unhealthy behavior Manifestors can fall into. And it blocks them from manifesting. When this happens, their anger can turn inward, resulting in feeling despair or victimized by life.
Manifestors are here to inform and act. But to do so takes courage. It means facing fears of rejection, confrontation, and upsetting others. All this can happen when Manifestors are making their impact. But the solution isn’t to shrink. It doesn’t serve Manifestors to be apologetic for doing their thing.
While informing puts others more at ease, it can also move people out of the way. Manifestors love to be in their flow. When Manifestors politely inform and prepare those of their decision, it can make people trust them more and not stand in their way.
If you’re a Manifestor, you may feel all alone in the world, but you’re not. There are people who care about what you’re doing and want to support you. Keeping the people in your life in the loop will make them feel respected, and you’ll be surprised by the support and receptivity they’ll show you. You may not have ever experienced that kind of harmony from others but it is possible for you. It’s the power of informing.
Peace is the telltale sign that Manifestors are aligned with their full power. Peace is meant for Manifestors. It’s the reward for following their design, including that pesky informing piece.
How do Manifestors best make decisions?
While Manifestors are designed to follow their urges, it’s important that once they have an impulse or idea come out of the blue, they consult their authority, which is their decision-making process. This will commit their big energy to the right things and not the wrong ones.
Manifestors can have one of three authorities:
- emotional authority
- splenic authority
- ego authority
No one in Human Design is meant to make decisions from their minds.
For Manifestors with the emotional authority (sometimes listed as the solar plexus) once they have an urge or impulse to do something, it’s best to sleep on big decisions or wait until their emotions settle, which may take a few days. Certainty is never one hundred percent, but it’s best to make decisions when there’s a feeling of calmness or clarity.
For Manifestors with the splenic authority, there is a sudden knowing in the moment as to whether an urge is correct to follow or not. This intuition is often quiet and spontaneous, and decisions shouldn’t be slept on but acted on right away. Since the splenic authority is so immediate, it can be a challenge for Manifestors with it to make the time to inform.
For Manifestors with the ego authority, they’re here to follow their heart’s desires and wants. In other words, to be healthfully selfish. If you have this authority, make sure your heart is in something before you commit your tremendous willpower. It can also be helpful to talk out a decision, without censoring yourself, to hear where the power lies in your voice. Often the things you blurt out with the statements “I want” or “I will have” are correct urges to follow.
Note: Manifestors are the only type where their authority comes before their strategy. First, they have an urge. Second, their authority tells them if it’s the correct impulse to act on. Third, they inform (their strategy) those who will be impacted by their action. And finally, they act. This nuance I learned from my mentor Erin Claire Jones.
Manifestors and work
What is the best career for Manifestors?
Ideally, the best jobs for Manifestors are where they’re in charge of their own schedule and workflow. Though Manifestors have big energy, it comes in surges. This is why a 9-to-5 job might not be ideal for Manifestors because their energy isn’t consistent like the majority of the population, which is nearly 70 percent Generators and Manifesting Generators.
Like any type in Human Design, being a Manifestor doesn’t limit what profession they can pursue. Manifestors have visionary energy that sees ahead. They can bring new ideas into the world. This is why it’s important for Manifestors not to look to others for validation, especially if they’re doing something that hasn’t been done before.
Not only are Manifestors here to initiate, one of their gifts is their initiatory energy. I’ve noticed that Manifestors can impact people’s lives without meaning to. In my opinion, their impact on others is strongest when they’re focused on their own path.
If you’re a spiritual person, think of Manifestors as having a priest or high priestess vibe. Think of a priest/priestess performing “initiatory rites.” These rituals activate people into higher expressions of themselves or onto a new path. In contemporary times, this looks like people being provoked or triggered because the Manifestor energy feels disruptive to how they’ve been doing things.
Note: I’ve observed that some Manifestors upon hearing this information for the first time, use it to be intentionally provocative or triggering. In my perspective, this is unkind and often violates people’s boundaries. We already live in a triggering world. Instead, Manifestors can just trust that their energy speaks volumes and will have an effect on people.
Manifestors are very good at starting things, like launching an initiative, a business, or a movement. However, they might not have the stamina to finish what they started. It’s recommended that Manifestors delegate responsibilities they don’t want to do or pass the baton to others. This is not easy for most Manifestors, who prefer to be in control.
However, it does allow space for the rest that Manifestors require. Manifestor urges work in surges. When a Manifestor is in a surge of energy, they can work a twelve-hour day or have weeks of momentum. But it’s essential—essential!—that they rest between those surges. It’s healthy for Manifestors to literally do nothing, often alone, and wait for the next creative burst to come. Again, this is why it’s not ideal for them to work in a structured 9-to-5 setting.
With their undefined or open sacral center, Manifestors are not here to get caught up in the daily grind or hustle, or even finish what they started. Especially if a Manifestor has a split definition in their chart, they’re not here to do it all alone. Though Manifestors work best independently, they still need people. Manifestors can use their strategy to strengthen their communication with those around them so that they can receive support.
Manifestors and love
Can Manifestors be in relationships?
Of course. There is a misconception that Manifestors can’t be in committed or long-term relationships. This isn’t true. Each Human Design type has specific challenges when it comes to relationships.
Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design and a Manifestor himself writes:
“[Manifestors] are perfectly capable of great love and devotion to their families… Their closed auras do not naturally embrace or take in others. Neither are they penetrable, which means others cannot easily get to know a Manifestor well.” (The Definitive Book of Human Design, p. 120)
While others may find it challenging to intimately know Manifestors, including parents of Manifestors, it’s not because Manifestors don’t desire intimacy or are cold. It’s because of the surface tension of their aura, which is hard to penetrate. But once they let you in, you may be surprised by what you find.
Because of this auric energy, it’s important for Manifestors to make the first move regardless of gender identity. It’s best for them to approach someone IRL or spark the conversation on a dating app instead of waiting for the other person to do so. In dating, initiating looks like asking someone out or initiating a first kiss.
Important note: If you’re making a physical first move, be sure it’s wanted and you have consent. Consent isn’t something I see in discussions of Manifestors who are encouraged to “follow their urges” and not ask for permission. If you want to kiss someone, inform them: I want to kiss you. This gives the other person the opportunity to consent or not. Honor their response. The same goes for sex.
Telling someone you like them, asking them out, or pursuing them — all of which are correct actions for Manifestors — is vulnerable and opens them up to rejection. But for Manifestors to enter the right relationships, they must initiate them in some way. When Manifestors wait around and hope someone will ask them out or show up in their world, they disempower themselves. This can result in their not-self themes of anger, annoyance, feeling like the world is against them, or depression.
If you’re a Manifestor, be brave and be bold. Know that you’re not for everyone. Trust that when you experience rejection, it’s to clear your path so you move faster toward what you want.
How do you love a Manifestor?
If you’re dating or partnered with a Manifestor, one of the most important things to know is that Manifestors need a lot of freedom and space. Again, this isn’t because they’re avoidant. Their undefined sacral center takes on other people’s energies, and time alone helps them discharge that energy and feel more themselves. They also need to veg out from time to time so that they can restore from their powerful surges of energy.
If you’re dating a Manifestor, for goodness' sake, don’t pester them with questions! One of the sources of annoyance for Manifestors is interrogation. Another is telling them what to do. I’ve also observed that Manifestors don’t like to be interrupted, whether in their work or creative flow or when they’re speaking.
Informing them of your actions, even if it’s not your type’s strategy, is a good way to communicate with your Manifestor. For example, let’s say you live with your Manifestor s.o. Your household is out of coffee and you want them to buy more. Instead of asking them to go to the store to get more, inform them, “Hey, we’re out of coffee.” This shows them respect and gives them the freedom to act rather than feeling like they’re being told what to do.
It can feel really special to be let in by a Manifestor. Allow yourself to be initiated by them. Support their mission or vision, even if you don’t understand it. You have a powerful partner but sometimes they need to be reminded of their power.
Should Manifestors sleep alone?
It’s recommended that Manifestors sleep alone and release any sacral energy they may have picked up throughout the day from the Generators and Manifesting Generators of the world. Also, sleeping next to either of those two types can keep a Manifestor up at night. It may feel like sleeping next to a whirring engine!
Manifestors should also give their body time to unwind before bed to get a peaceful night’s sleep. That could look like getting into bed an hour before bedtime to read or relax.
Manifestors’ past and future
What is the history of Manifestors?
In Human Design, the traditional role of Manifestors before 1781 (random year, I know) was rulership. This was the authoritarian or autocratic rulership of the earlier eras. Manifestors tended to be kings, queens, warriors, high priests, and conquerors. They enjoyed positions of absolute power and dominated civilization and law-making.
After 1781, society shifted to a new paradigm of democratic rule. The absolute rule that Manifestors were used to was no longer tolerated (vestiges of it have continued in Manifestors like Adolph Hitler or Vladimir Putin). The baton of rulership has been passed to a rising type, the Projector.
Note: There’s some weird stuff in Human Design. If this is helpful, take it. If not, discard it.
What is the future for Manifestors?
This leaves Manifestors today in an interesting position. Instead of focusing on ruling or power, they can focus on impact. They can blaze new trails that others can follow. They can initiate impactful projects or movements that others can join. At a company or team, they can see where something needs to go and powerfully shift the trajectory. Manifestors can also focus on innovation because they often see ahead.
Now is really their time to enjoy manifesting in peace: doing what they want, when they want to, and bringing an inner vision rapidly to life. Lastly, Manifestors can also experiment with asking others to lead, so that they can receive. They can surrender their mind’s decision-making to their authority, and flow with all life has to offer them.
I hope this article brought you a greater understanding of yourself as a Manifestor or your Manifestor loved one so that we can all experience more peace and harmony in our lives.
Hi, I’m Ana! I do Human Design readings to help people make better love, career, and life decisions for themselves. Book a 1:1 reading with me.